Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blog # 3

What does Kress mean by multimodality? Also, write down one sentence or point to a section that confuses you and try to deduce what Kress means.

Well, let me begin with saying that I spent over an hour looking over Kress's chapter and I can safely conclude that I have no idea what it means. But I cant really end the blog here, so I will give it a futile try. Kress mentions "multimodal" on page 43. By using this word, he implies that multiple genres that could be used in one text. With the students he points out that they are writing scientifically while writing for their teacher. This would be two modes of genre within one piece of work. He later concludes that most works have overlapping genre.

"The question is, what is it that we want to mean, and what modes and genres are best for realizing that meaning" (39).

From this passage Kress is stating that you have to decide what you want. Then you must decide on the most opproptrite genre that would best send your message. You have to choose wisely on the genre you use because that will add or take away from the intent of your message.

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